Monday, November 17, 2014

S1E4 Those Who Can't Tutor

Everyone is boogeying at the Pitt, including people with trays of food.

Dwayne is even trying to get lesbians. Cue the lesbian extra, AGAIN.

Maggie is now on the Hillman Chronicle. She interviews Dwayne who wants to fight the power, until she uses his name. Whitley agrees with the dorm rules and doesn't have time for unrulyness.


Denise and Jaleesa are interviewed and we find out the girl with a gpa below 2.0 is getting a D. I'm surprised she's not getting an F. Jaleesa and Maggie try to cheer her up. Maggie is being shady again and suggesting Denise may never get it. Spoilers, she actually never does get it. Maggie is then like “Fuck you, my editor gave me a deadline. I can stop pretending I care”. Jaleesa gets her french fries.

I actually like Denise's outfit. I wish more of her outfits were like this. With just a hint of uniqueness. 

Whitley offers her help. We get to check out her outfit.

Ugly purse

Cut to their dorm. Maggie shows Jaleesa her article and acts retarded. Denise reveals she's getting a tutor. Hence, the episode's title. Maggie bugs her about her article. Jaleesa does a terrible impression of Whitley's accent while quoting her. Because they're morons, Denise and Jaleesa believe her when she makes a joke about something Whitley didn't say.

I knew Denise and Maggie were plotting against Jaleesa from day one.

Dwayne is Denise's tutor. Denise doesn't believe him, because on top of being a raptist/stalker he also commits fraud by pretending to be an official tour guide. He claims it was fun. She asks him a question and he proves he's good at math. Despite this, Denise still doesn't trust him. I don't blame her. I wouldn't want to be in close quarters alone with him either. 

The formula is not subtract the clothes, add the bed, divide the legs, and multiple.

However, she believe his card. One he could have made himself.

I made that shit at Kinkos.

Time has shown to  have passed and she's just as stupid as before. I'm guessing by her fashion choices and refusal to confirm, she has some type of Autism. She does remember some of his ghetto formulas, though. So much time has passed, they've missed curfew and he's locked in the dorm. Denise being Denise, she's only worried about her parents being called. Not how it will affect Dwayne who was helping her.

He plans to use a fire escape, but it's outside of Whitley's room. Despite being hesitant, Denise thinks he could do it because Whitley listens to crickets and wears a sleep mask. Dwayne admits he rapes girls and then sneaks out of their rooms. Knowing his stalker/rapist ways, Denise has no problems with him going into Whitley’s room.

They walks down the hall like two retards, because the writers/directors/SOMEONE thought it was funny at the time.

Whitley is asleep and listening to a tape of waves. Dwayne busts in and is oddly scared by seagull sounds. While nuisances and food thieves, seagulls aren't really a threat.

Seagulls: Preventing rape since 1988

Whitley talks in her sleep about sunblock. She also dreams about capsizing. Dwayne makes it out to be discovered by Stevie.

I hope she hasn't seen Back To The Future

I guess Dwayne saw BTTF, he uses the excuse of George McFly: he's not a pervert. He's a bird watcher. I'm guessing Stevie saw BTTF and sees he's just a stalker/raper. I find it weird Denise didn't tell her she was expecting a tutor.

Walter comes in. Things are going to improve. Sinbad was really good as Walter. I wish she would have called the police instead.

Dwayne won't dime out Denise, but he allows Stevie and Walter to think he was in Whitley's room. He tries the BTTF line on Walter. Stevie informs him there will be a hearing.

Stevie comes into Whitley's room while Strangers in the Night is playing on her radio. Whitley is confused when Stevie talks about Dwayne being in her room. She insults her by calling her a divorcee. Whitley also says she's a virgin and loses her shit over being accused of bumping uglies with Dwayne.

Stevie is pissed and tells her she'll see her in her apartment for a hearing. Cut to the lesbian extra who was ease dropping.

I bet she was leaving a booty call.

Cut to the Pitt. Everyone is gossiping about Whitley, because of Loose Lips.

Jaleesa looks a little too excited at that finger.

Denise walks in and thinks everyone is talking about her B+, but Jalesesa brings her into reality. They're all talking about the drama she caused. Jaleesa reveals she's going to be extra tough on Whitley and Maggie shades her.

All the men clap at Dwayne when he enters the Pitt. They also bark at him. He thinks he's cool because he's ruined a virgin's reputation.

He also kicks puppies. Hence, the barking.

Whitley looks ravishing in red. I would say it was picked to show her as a scarlet woman, but she wears red often.

Whitley is fierce even doing a walk of shame.

The men say rude things to her. Denise comes over to Whitley who is really upset. Whitley says Dwayne should clear her name (because it's the truth) and Dwayne acts like he's suffering. Dwayne says he was in her room, and Whitley slaps him. How Zsa Zsa Gabor, but he did deserve it. If it were me, he'd be castrated.

After the slap two guys high five. I'm not sure if they're high fiving because they're white, gay, or know Dwayne.

Denise feels bad for Dwayne who charmingly reveals this isn't the first time he's been slapped.

Cut to the Gilbert Hall. Denise and Maggie are folding laundry. Something I find more shocking than coed sex. Maggie is acting like Long Island trash. I hope her annoying accent way of acting ghetto goes away.

Just the act of folding clean laundry makes Denise sick.

Whitley is late and Dwayne looses his shit. On a side note, what is with all the blue in this episode?

Whitley comes in a pure white outfit and says she's been donating to good will. Jaleesa throws shade at Whitley. Whitley claims she can sleep through anything (which is actually true). Dwayne is laughing at this. The implied joke he raped her while she slept. 

For a virginal dress, the top is pretty sheer.

Dwayne explains he was just passing through, but still won't dime out Denise. Walter says Dwayne has poor character, but he doubts they had sex. Dwayne objects for some reason. Stevie gets pissed. Denise comes in and Dwayne tries to send her away. I get he could give two shits about Whitley, but he's protecting Denise when he could kicked out of school for this. Spoilers, I can't believe Whitley would marry him after this.

Ugly outfit, but at least it breaks up all the blue.

Despite confessing, Whitley shades Denise. I don't blame her. She should have came forward earlier. Despite Stevie not knowing about the tutoring, Walter claims he knew. Stevie genuinely apologizes. Whitley accepts, but she wants an apology in the school newspaper. Whitley is a true lady as she leaves asap. If it were me, I'd sit around for the drama.  

I want to classify this as a very special episode, but it's sort of not. It deals with those sort things special episodes usually do. Instead of doing the right thing, they slut shame a virgin. It's basically said that any sex was not consensual. Whitley could have been raped and no one cares and no real authorities are involved. The episode is mildly disturbing. 

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